Official Star Wars website
Since 2014 I have been writing various articles on the official website of Star Wars.
Click the image on the right for my full profile.
Article series include:
Galactic Backpacking
An 8-part series detailing the (then) known filming locations of Star Wars.
Galactic Backpacking, Part 5: Visiting Real-World Theed Plaza
Galactic Backpacking, Part 6: Visiting Real-World Coruscant and More
Galactic Backpacking, Part 7: Visiting Real-World Endor and Naboo’s Great Grass Plains
Galactic Backpacking, Part 8: Visiting Real-World Tatooine, Part 2
From Concept to Screen
An 8-part series detailing the various stages of the production that a character, vehicle, creature, location, or scene of the Star Wars saga had to undergo before arriving on the silver screen..
Various others
Most often themed around a special event, like a trailer release or the start of the production of a new movie, these articles cover a wide variety of subjects.
This Is Podracing: Sports in the Star Wars Galaxy, Part 1 (with Tim Veekhoven)
Take me out to the ball game: Sports in the Star Wars Galaxy, Part 2 (with Tim Veekhoven)
Star Wars' First Days of Shooting, Part 1: The Original Trilogy
Star Wars' First Days of Shooting, Part 2: The Prequel Trilogy
How Book and Comic Adaptations Expanded (and Changed) the Star Wars Films, Part 1
How Book and Comic Adaptations Expanded (and Changed) the Star Wars Films, Part 2